The main purpose of typography is to make the consumption of various kind of content ergonomic: first distinctive and recognizable, then easy to read and comprehend.
The kind of content defines the semantic categories for font characteristics set usually reflected in the purpose of content:
- reading - text, headers, tips,... - Roboto, SourceSansPro
- script/code presentation - monospaced
- initialism - lone symbol/ mini tags / acronyms - barley
- iconized - letter in/as icon, badge
- tag - icon label, tag without background/border
Lets go over each semantic typography category and explore the purpose and applicable properties.
READING - I guess it is self-explanatory. The sentences, paragraphs and pages of text should be easy to read for hours. Besides of font it defines ergonomics for eye and even neck: you do not want your reader to swing eyes and head righ-left while reading the multi line text. The newspaper columns are good samples or solving such problem. I still love the books with 2-column page layout.